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“I’ve listened to the first 3 episodes of #Loud by @futurostudios and have to say that my favorite thing about it is Ivy Queen’s accent in English and her use of Spanglish. We need more products out there with people that talk the way we talk in real life. It’s beautiful.”
““Loud” asks us to reconsider the collective stories we heard about the music at the marquesina parties that shaped some of our early understanding of its contours. It chips away at reggaeton’s canon, urging us to take a closer look at the depth and the insurgency it has promised all along. It forces us to listen to reggaeton with complexity — as much complexity as the music and its history hold in the first place.”
“If you can’t wait for everybody else to build the world you want, you’re going to have to try and do it yourself. That seems to be the spirit driving the Futuro Media Group, and now Futuro Studios, as the latter works to deepen its body of work,”
“Mucho admiration and appreciation to the hard work and dedication to bring this experience to listeners. I am changed for having heard this. I am moved to get involved in honor of Suave and all he has endured and sacrificed.”
“A beautiful story that highlights the injustice of our broken system and how a spirit refuses to be broken. Thank you Suave for your braveness in sharing your story and giving a voice to all these men.”
“Maravillosamente producido. Informativo, entretenido y muy emocionante. Una joya. No sólo para boricuas sino amar cualquiera interesado en la isla y su gente, y en la grandeza y la miseria del ser humano en general.”
“I thought I knew a lot about Puerto Rico’s history and yet I learned so much from this podcast. Thought-provoking, interesting, heartbreaking, empowering and the music is FIRE. Thank you for making this podcast. Looking forward to what comes next.”
“Made me cry and laugh! Helped me walk down memory lane, deconstructed the ways in which Selena has impacted us personally, been part of our family’s joy and sadness…our growth. A wonderful and culturally important and impactful narrative. Gracias Maria Garcia!”
“Al escuchar este podcast en muchas ocasiones mi corazón latía con mucho sentimiento, recuerdo que en el primer episodio, lágrimas salieron de mis ojos al igual que en el último episodio, tocaron recuerdos y sentimientos hermosos en mi vida. […] Anything for Selena podcast te hace sentir orgulloso de tus raíces. Maria García eres grandiosa, con un gran y bello corazón.”
“Engaging, well-presented, and wildly interesting. IF you have any interest in the way police operate in the USA, this is a fantastic podcast to get you to understand how and why police forces operate the way they do.”
“Very engaging and dramatic; provides an unexpected window on the history of an issue that has finally taken center stage now, forty years later: the militarization of the police.”
“This podcast is a voice for so many of us. I hear myself, my friends and my family in these talks.”
“I congratulate the LA Times and Futuro Studios on an extremely informative and compelling documentation of the history and legacy of Prop 187. The thoughtful yet pointed interviews with both proponents and opponents of the Proposition were illuminating. I appreciate Gustavo Arellano injecting his personal stories and personality into the reportage. Loved when he challenged Wilson. Dude can sure talk fast! A triumph!”
“This is where I turn when injustice feels like too much. Never pretend the answers are easy, and encourages me to look at every problem as an opportunity for creativity and a brighter future.”
“High quality production value with humble realness. These are exactly the ideas and conversations I want to hear about. Our capacity to imagine is what moves us closer to what we desire in the world! A new favorite!”