Want to partner with us? We’re looking to collaborate with others on new podcast projects. Generally, we’re making 6-10 episode series that are highly produced, audio-rich, long-form narratives.
We’d love to hear from you. A few questions to consider for pitching us a podcast…
Is your idea surprising and interesting?
Are there twists and turns to the story? Does the narrative have potential to speak to a bigger picture issue? And does it feel like audio is the best medium for this story? And why do you want to work with us (Futuro Studios in particular)?
Specific considerations for your pitch:
- Characters. Is there one main character or does it shift over the course of the series and why? Do they go on a journey?
- Format. Is it one serialized story like Suave? Or an anthology like La Brega? Or a memoir like Anything for Selena?
- Host. Who would be your ideal host and why?
- Tape. Is it emotional and evocative? Is there tape that has never before been heard? What is your favorite moment you have (or hope to have) on tape?
- Originality: Why tell this story now? What else has been covered on this topic and how does it intersect with your idea? What is fresh about this idea?
Please submit a summary of your pitch, no more than a few paragraphs below. You’ll have the opportunity to submit a pitch deck or other materials at a later date. We’ll be in touch with you soon!